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Transport Fever-Hi2u

Transport Fever-Hi2u

information sur le jeu

Catégorie : PC
Title : Transport Fever
Genre : Simulation
Developer : Urban Games
Publisher : Gambitious Digital Entertainment
Release Date : 8 Nov, 2016


détail du jeu-vidéo

Transport Fever is a railroad­-focused tycoon game. Players start in 1850 and build up a thriving transport company. As an emerging transport tycoon, the player constructs stations, airports, harbors and makes money by connecting areas requiring transport services.

Construct complex road­-rail-water-air networks in the endless game and experience more than 150 year of transportation history. Fulfill the people’s needs and watch cities evolve dynamically. Supply industries with freight, develop complete cargo chains and enable economic growth. Build up a transport empire!

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Plateforme : PC
Langue : Anglais (Multilanguage A Confirmer ?)
Région : FREE
Découpé avec : Winrar
Nombre de fichiers : 1 Fichiers
Taille totale : 5.18 GB
Nom de la release : Transport Fever-HI2U

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Transport Fever-Hi2u Transport Fever-Hi2u Reviewed by games paradis on novembre 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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